I spent a week making a Windsor rocking chair – from a tree! I was on a course with the highly talented Peter Wood from Greenwood Days – if you fancy spending time in a forest making things, then that website is worth checking out.
Here is my pictorial diary of the course.

We used ash wood. Here it is – recently felled.

Using an axe to make a split log into a somewhat round shape.

Larger view of pole lathe. The stick at the top has string attached which, via a foot “pedal” you pump up and down, turns the lathe.

The rounded wood was then put on the pole lathe – to become chair legs.

After a lot of effort, the legs began to take shape.

Ouch. “Do not wave a sharp chisel around” we were warned. This is why.

“Make a 2m length of tree one inch square using a draw knife” – on a shave horse.

Steam bending apparatus. More info on the steam bending apparatus on Instagram via @GreenwoodDays.

A small amount of splitting is not a problem – but sounds awful!

String and clamps hold the arm bow while it cools.

Follow the grain – long spindle making.

Following the grain – gives “naturally curved” spindles.

Cutting out the seat using a template – it was trimmed on a bandsaw.

Using an adze – video by @GreenwoodDays on Instagram.

Slow progress…

More progress…

With shape of seat defined, time to drill the spindle holes.

Using a posh pencil sharpener (rounder plane) to make the spindle tenons.

Three spindles drilled and inserted.

When the holes are drilled put the spindles in place.

Glueing the legs and spindles into place needed at least seven hands (no photos taken), then dismantle everything again.

Wedges and glue to hold the spindles in place. Only glue one side of the wedge – for movement of wood.

Mahogany wedge for contrast in the end of the arms.

Oak rockers – hard wearing wood.

*drool* look at that grain!

And then we were done! Now it’s home, there is some minor finishing (sanding) to do, then I plan to oil it, probably with linseed oil. Many thanks to Peter Wood from Greenwood Days and the other members of the course – you made the week great fun – you all rock!