- Plywood sheet, 3mm thick
- Black Spray Paint
- Glitter Spray Paint
- Jigsaw
- Scroll saw
How I made it:
- A picture of a rocket was downloaded from the internet, printed four times then stuck onto cardboard, cut out and fixed with a couple of circular ‘shelves’.
- Every dimension was doubled and roughly sketched onto thicker cardboard.
- Cupcakes were obtained, measured to make sure the shelves were the correct size. The cupcakes were then eaten – hence no photo. #nom.
- A design midway between the two prototypes was chosen, drawn on Inkscape and printed.
- The plywood was cut to rough size using a jigsaw.
- The outlines for the circular shelves were drawn onto the plywood.
- Appropriate safety equipment was worn.
- Toys Tools were set up. (I suggest this is *not* done in the living room.)
- Shelves were cut and checked that they would slot with other pieces of plywood.
- The shelves were then primed and covered with glitter spray paint. This was not the look I was aiming for, so they were then all spray painted black.
- A rocket shape was then drawn on the plywood, and cut out. Then it was sanded to be slightly less wobbly.
- The “workshop” was moved outside.
- Measure twice. Cut once.
- Shelves checked.
- Four rocket shapes cut, and shelves checked again. The whole lot was then spray painted black.
- The top of the rocket was slightly out of alignment, so a circular guide was added at the top.
- A final coat of black was applied, topped off with the glitter spray.
- Now it just needs some more cupcakes..!